Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Board Meeting March 15, 2011

CCCRA Board/ Committee Chair Meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 5:00 pm
Moss Memorial Library Meeting Room

Officers: Rob Tiger, Margie Weathers, Sandy Nicolette, Eleanor Moyer
Directors: Ron Guggisberg, Bob Brock, John Bayne, Joanna Atkisson, Bob Leonard, Louise Lorentzen,
Gail Criss, Lou Lanwermeyer
Member: Jean Gora

Vice President Margie Weathers called the meeting to order. John Bayne made the motion to approve the agenda, Joanna Atkisson seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Board Meeting Minutes: Bob Leonard made a motion to approve the January 18 board meeting minutes. John Bayne seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Eleanor Moyer presented the Financial Report information as of 3/15/11 indicating a Savings Account Balance of $17,014.32 with $9,684.32 designated for Heritage Park and $7,330 for other projects (Courthouse Restoration). Jackrabbit Trail has funds totaling $26,065.98 and there is a balance of $24,258.67 in the General Account. A Certificate of Deposit totals $32,392.70. All CCCRA funds total $99,731.67. (See Exhibit A) John Bayne made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Gail Criss and approved by the Board. Treasurer Moyer will talk with committee chairpersons to develop a proposed budget for 2011.

President and Vice President: President Tiger will check on the timeline for the distribution of STEP funds next week. Marketing will be the topic for the May Handmade Cluster meeting. HMIA will begin charging $15 for participants’ lunches. Funding for HMIA continues to be a concern.

Old Business

1. Cherokee Exhibit Security System: President Tiger reported bids were obtained for the Cherokee Homestead Exhibit security system. Cardinal System will complete the work when funds are received from the Rural Center.
The April 16 workshop for Western North Carolina and Warren Wilson College students is in the planning stage.
Extension Agent Kevin Welch will demonstrate the Cherokee method of planting crops on May 5. Mr. and Mrs. Scheuer will be in attendance. A dedication for a plaque commemorating Ella’s work with the exhibit is scheduled for that day.

2. Hayesville Brochure & Map: Margie Weathers will develop a list of distribution points for the Handmade map and brochures which will be submitted to board members for review.

3. FOHC Presentation to Commissioners: Bob Brock reported that Joe Rybicki developed a Powerpoint presentation which he shared at the commissioners’ meeting. The commissioners have been supplied copies of the reuse plan and presentation. Rybicki will make the same presentation at the Spring Kickoff meeting.

4. Spring Kickoff General Membership Meeting: All board members are encouraged to arrive at 6:00 pm on March 31 to help with set-up. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm. Gary Reffit will present the Economic Development information. Margie Weathers is developing the program, which will be forthcoming. Please call friends to invite them to the meeting. There will be a $50 gift certificate for the Copper Door. Attendees should bring a dessert.

New Business

1. Commissioners’ Meetings: Louise Lorentzen is attending the April 7 Commissioners’ meeting.

2. Sesquicentennial Quilt: Tabled due to Bev Adkins’ absence.

3. CCCRA Donation to HandMade in America: Bob Brock made the motion to donate $1,000 to HandMade in America with the stipulation to review the need for additional financial assistance in subsequent years. The motion was seconded by John Bayne and the board voted approval. Margie Weathers will write the accompanying letter for President Tiger’s signature. Weathers will also supply board members with a sample letter supporting HandMade which can be sent to politicians.

4. Summer Concerts: Gail Criss agreed to schedule two people to host the CCCRA membership table at each of the concerts.

5. HandMade Small Town Sign: The board will address this topic at a future meeting after samples can be obtained.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:04 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Nicolette, Secretary

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