Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Oct. 27, 2011 - Annual Board/Membership Meeting

Annual Membership Meeting
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

Approximately 65 CCCRA members and guests were present at the Gathering Place for the annual membership meeting and covered dish dinner. The meeting was called to order by President Rob Tiger who welcomed all in attendance.

Dr. Jane Eastman, WCU Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, presented historical information about the Cherokee who lived in North Carolina and seven other states thousands of years ago. Dr. Eastman thanked CCCRA for offering financial assistance for the digs she and students have conducted in our community for several years.

Darry Wood was thanked for his work done on the 1820-1830 basket weaver that will reside in the Clay County Historical Museum. The double-weave basket accompanying his piece was woven by EBCI member, Lucille Lossiah.

Sandy Zimmerman, H&A Council member and chair of the Sesquicentennial Committee, indicated that proceeds from sales of Sesquicentennial memorabilia will be used to make repairs to the old jail museum and for historical courthouse restorations. Zimmerman presented a check for $3,000 to President Tiger on behalf of the committee.

Outgoing Vice President Margie Weathers and Director Louise Lorentzen were thanked for their years of service to CCCRA.

Eleanor Moyer presented the slate of officers and directors for 2012 on behalf of the committee:
President: Rob Tiger
Vice President: Gail Criss
Secretary: Linda Bowar
Treasurer: Eleanor Moyer

Director: Sandy Nicolette
Director: Natalie Moses
Lou Lanwermeyer made the motion to close the nominations, John Bayne seconded the motion and the members approved the slate.

President Tiger referred the members to the accomplishments of CCCRA during the 2011 which are printed on the back of the agenda. The Cherokee log cabin will be the next CCCRA project. The Historic Courthouse Committee will begin pursuing funding for the interior restoration as soon as an agreement is signed with Clay County.

Outgoing CCCRA Officer Margie Weathers was thanked for her years of service to CCCRA and the community. A gift certificate to The Copper Door was presented to Weathers in appreciation of her leadership and accomplishments.

President Tiger thanked everyone for their attendance. Door prizes were provided. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Nicolette, Secretary

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Minutes of July 11 Board Meeting

Officers: Rob Tiger, Margie Weathers, Sandy Nicolette, Eleanor Moyer

Directors: Ron Guggisberg, Bob Brock, John Bayne, Joanna Atkisson, Gail Criss, Dorothy Ethridge, Lou Lanwermeyer

Guests: Amy Hollifield and Angie Chandler, Blue Ridge National Heritage Area

Vice President Margie Weathers called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm and requested that we add the revision of the Welcome to Clay County Progress brochure disseminated by the Clay County Progress. Ron Guggisberg made the motion to approve the revised agenda, John Bayne seconded the motion and the board voted approval.

Board Meeting Minutes: Gail Criss made a motion to approve the May 17 board meeting minutes. John Bayne seconded the motion and the board voted approval.

Treasurer’s Report: Eleanor Moyer presented the Financial Report information as of 7/12/11 indicating a Savings Account Balance of $47,522.39 with $ 40,192.39 designated for Heritage Park and $7,330 for other projects (Courthouse Restoration). Jackrabbit Trail has funds totaling $22,387.79 and there is a balance of $22,476.49 in the General Account. A Certificate of Deposit totals $32,488.16. All CCCRA funds total $124,874.79. (See Exhibit A) John Bayne made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Bob Brock and approved by the Board.

HandMade Meeting Report: Board members reported that the CCCRA display was the best, in large part to the Sesquicentennial quilt. Topics of interest from the community reports and focus groups included social networking and developing a community calendar. Gail Criss will contact Ronda Birtha for information and Angie Chandler will supply information about Smoky Mountain Host.

Old Business:

1. HandMade Small Town Signs: The signs range from $40 to a sandblasted sign for $160-200 depending on the size. Possible locations for the signs include under the community information board at town hall or at the entry signs. Rob Tiger will investigate how the signs might be attached before we make a decision.

New Business:

1. Spike Buck Mound/Quanasee Site: President Tiger reported that 18 acres have been purchased at the site for a land trust. It is hopeful that additional acreage will be purchased to include the current dig site. Jane Eastman has uncovered relics dating back to possibly 1280-1380. Dr. Eastman will complete an archeological study gratis of the proposed trail site which needs approval by the Historical Preservation Society.

2. CCCRA Project Update: The exhibit will be included in a DVD funded by the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area to promote the historical sites in the region. It can be used to educate business groups, chambers of commerce, tourism boards, etc. The 10 minute DVD will be launched on August 30.

The exhibit was photographed by CNEF, which will share the photos with CCCRA.

There was mention of the exhibit in the June issue of the WNC Magazine and the September issue will include coverage of the Jackrabbit Trail.

The Blue Ridge Country Outdoor magazine will also feature an article on the Trail.

National Endowment of the Arts personnel spoke with Tiger about the courthouse and exhibit.

3. Nominating Committee: Gail Criss, Eleanor Moyer and Lou Lanwermeyer agreed to serve as the nominating committee. Each board member was asked to submit a name to a committee member. The proposed slate of officers and board members will be presented at the September 20 board meeting.

4. Blue Ridge National Historical Area - Angie Chandler: Chandler commended CCCRA on its accomplishments. President Tiger will speak at the BRNHA annual meeting. CCCRA has been awarded two BRNHA grants for the Cherokee Exhibit.

BRNHA projects include: NC Dept of Cultural Resources: music trail in western North Carolina.

Blue Ridge Heritage Trail book: marketing will be focus of revision

Gems and Minerals in WNC: wanting to attract younger people to region.

BRNHA Website: Includes social media and events calendar. Send heritage focus event dates.

Artist Directory: updating with over 400 musical groups to be released in fall.

Interpretive Committee: signage for sites which have received grant money.

Visitor Survey: survey to be conducted in August at Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor Center

5. Welcome to Clay County published by Clay County Progress: Rob and John will address the revision of the information for the Cherokee Exhibit at a Heritage Park Committee meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Nicolette, Secretary

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Minutes of Spring Kickoff Meeting March 31

Spring Kickoff
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Hayesville First United Methodist Church Gathering Place

Approximately 60 CCCRA members and guests were present at the Gathering Place for the Spring Kickoff dessert meeting. The meeting was called to order by President Rob Tiger who welcomed all in attendance and invited them to help themselves to dessert and coffee.

Clay County Economic Development Group: CCCRA director and 21st Century Planning Committee Chairperson Gail Criss introduced Gary Reffit who provided a status report for the Clay County Economic Development. The committee was set up as a result of the Clay County Comprehensive Plan. The committee’s goal is to encourage businesses and companies to locate in Clay County in order to create jobs. A request was made by Reffit to identify CCCRA members who would be willing to receive training in order to become ambassadors or behalf of the committee. Ambassadors would answer questions and assist individuals who wish to open businesses in Clay County.

Historic Courthouse Reuse Plan: Chairperson Bob Brock introduced Joe Rybicki who shared the Powerpoint presentation presented to the Commissioners at a recent meeting. Repairs will need to be done to improve draining issues and a new floor installed before other repairs can begin. Funding will be needed to commence with the project. CCCRA members were invited to attend the committee meetings which occur at least once each month.

Cherokee Homestead Exhibit: John Bayne provided background for the development of the exhibit. A grant has been written to apply for funding to build a Cherokee transition cabin on the level below the Homestead Exhibit. Rob Tiger shared information about the April 16 workshop that will be presented for Warren Wilson College and Western North Carolina University students. A goal for this year is to develop a Cherokee Heritage Day to be held at the exhibit. A Cherokee garden demonstration is scheduled for May 5. Sandy Nicolette shared how the exhibit is being shared with local school children. Volunteers and donations were requested.

Jackrabbit Trails: Joanna Atkisson and Ron Gugggisberg gave an update on the progress of the Jackrabbit Trails. Use of the trails has increased over last year. A practice section is planned. The Grand Opening is scheduled for Saturday, April 30. Members are encouraged to assist with this event.

Family Fun Fest: Sandy Nicolette described this event for Clay County children which is held the second Saturday each August. Volunteers are needed to help with food, games, contests and art activities. Suggestions for “old-fashioned” games are appreciated.

Car B Que: John Scroggs is the chairperson for the Car B Que scheduled for June 11th this year. John Bayne explained that the American Legion will provide food with the Legion Auxiliary preparing desserts. Attendees and participants are asked to wear period clothing. Two Bloodmobiles will be on hand. Proceeds from sesquicentennial events will benefit the Historic Courthouse fund and repairs to the Old Jail Museum. A parade will be held on the square, July 4th with all organizations and businesses asked to participate.

President Tiger announced that the next HandMade Cluster meeting is scheduled for May 25th in Asheville. CCCRA members are invited to attend. The cost per attendee is $15.

Adjournment. Rob Tiger thanked Margie Weathers for coordinating the meeting, Dorothy Ethridge for the table decorations, Bev Adkins for the beautiful Sesquicentennial quilt and everyone for providing the delicious desserts. Door prizes were awarded. Dennis Barber helped pay for the $50 gift certificate to the Copper Door. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Nicolette

Board Meeting March 15, 2011

CCCRA Board/ Committee Chair Meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 5:00 pm
Moss Memorial Library Meeting Room

Officers: Rob Tiger, Margie Weathers, Sandy Nicolette, Eleanor Moyer
Directors: Ron Guggisberg, Bob Brock, John Bayne, Joanna Atkisson, Bob Leonard, Louise Lorentzen,
Gail Criss, Lou Lanwermeyer
Member: Jean Gora

Vice President Margie Weathers called the meeting to order. John Bayne made the motion to approve the agenda, Joanna Atkisson seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Board Meeting Minutes: Bob Leonard made a motion to approve the January 18 board meeting minutes. John Bayne seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Eleanor Moyer presented the Financial Report information as of 3/15/11 indicating a Savings Account Balance of $17,014.32 with $9,684.32 designated for Heritage Park and $7,330 for other projects (Courthouse Restoration). Jackrabbit Trail has funds totaling $26,065.98 and there is a balance of $24,258.67 in the General Account. A Certificate of Deposit totals $32,392.70. All CCCRA funds total $99,731.67. (See Exhibit A) John Bayne made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Gail Criss and approved by the Board. Treasurer Moyer will talk with committee chairpersons to develop a proposed budget for 2011.

President and Vice President: President Tiger will check on the timeline for the distribution of STEP funds next week. Marketing will be the topic for the May Handmade Cluster meeting. HMIA will begin charging $15 for participants’ lunches. Funding for HMIA continues to be a concern.

Old Business

1. Cherokee Exhibit Security System: President Tiger reported bids were obtained for the Cherokee Homestead Exhibit security system. Cardinal System will complete the work when funds are received from the Rural Center.
The April 16 workshop for Western North Carolina and Warren Wilson College students is in the planning stage.
Extension Agent Kevin Welch will demonstrate the Cherokee method of planting crops on May 5. Mr. and Mrs. Scheuer will be in attendance. A dedication for a plaque commemorating Ella’s work with the exhibit is scheduled for that day.

2. Hayesville Brochure & Map: Margie Weathers will develop a list of distribution points for the Handmade map and brochures which will be submitted to board members for review.

3. FOHC Presentation to Commissioners: Bob Brock reported that Joe Rybicki developed a Powerpoint presentation which he shared at the commissioners’ meeting. The commissioners have been supplied copies of the reuse plan and presentation. Rybicki will make the same presentation at the Spring Kickoff meeting.

4. Spring Kickoff General Membership Meeting: All board members are encouraged to arrive at 6:00 pm on March 31 to help with set-up. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm. Gary Reffit will present the Economic Development information. Margie Weathers is developing the program, which will be forthcoming. Please call friends to invite them to the meeting. There will be a $50 gift certificate for the Copper Door. Attendees should bring a dessert.

New Business

1. Commissioners’ Meetings: Louise Lorentzen is attending the April 7 Commissioners’ meeting.

2. Sesquicentennial Quilt: Tabled due to Bev Adkins’ absence.

3. CCCRA Donation to HandMade in America: Bob Brock made the motion to donate $1,000 to HandMade in America with the stipulation to review the need for additional financial assistance in subsequent years. The motion was seconded by John Bayne and the board voted approval. Margie Weathers will write the accompanying letter for President Tiger’s signature. Weathers will also supply board members with a sample letter supporting HandMade which can be sent to politicians.

4. Summer Concerts: Gail Criss agreed to schedule two people to host the CCCRA membership table at each of the concerts.

5. HandMade Small Town Sign: The board will address this topic at a future meeting after samples can be obtained.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:04 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Nicolette, Secretary

Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 17 Planning Meeting Minutes

Officers: Rob Tiger, Margie Weathers, Sandy Nicolette, Eleanor Moyer
Directors: Ron Guggisberg, Bob Brock, John Bayne, Joanna Atkisson, Bob Leonard, Gail Criss
Members: Mike Gora, Jean Gora

Jackrabbit Hiking/Biking Trails Grand Opening: April 30
Joanna Atkisson presented a proposed budget for the event. Planners are estimating that approximately 200 people will be in attendance. Efforts are being made to secure donated items and sponsors. Joann Atkisson made the motion to allocate up to $3,000 from the Jackrabbit Trail funds for the Grand Opening. The motion was seconded by Sandy Nicolette and the Board voted approval.

Ella Scheuer: Jack and Diane Scheuer will visit Hayesville from May 4-7. Thanks to the Baynes for providing lodging for the Scheuers. Brief memorial comments will be provided after the Garden Planting workshop at the Cherokee Homestead Exhibit on Thursday, May 5. A CCCRA and community gathering will be held at the Baynes’ residence on Friday, May 6 starting at 5 pm. Attendees will be asked to bring a dish.

Spring Kickoff: To be held on Thursday, March 31 7:00 pm at the Hayesville Methodist Church. Dessert and coffee/tea/water will be featured. Margie Weathers will coordinate the event.

The purpose of the Kickoff is to share plans for the year, providing opportunities for our members to be involved.
Chairpersons will speak for 5 minutes, explaining the event followed by questions…it was suggested that the chairperson prepare a display table which will have sign up sheet. Margie Weathers will be the time keeper.

Events/Activities to feature:
Courthouse: Bob Brock/Joe Rybecki
Cherokee Homestead Exhibit: Sandy Nicolette
Jackrabbit Trails Grand Opening: Joanna Atkisson and Ron Guggisberg
Family Fun Fest: Sandy Nicolette
Cherokee Heritage Day: Rob Tiger
Concerts in the Park: Karen Bruskin/Nichols
Car B Que: John Bayne

Drawing for $50 certificate at the Copper Door: each attendee will receive a ticket. (Sandy Nicolette will approach Dennis Barber about certificate.) We will use this event to recruit members.

John Bayne made the motion to allocate up to $200 for this event. Ron Guggisberg seconded the motion and the Board voted approval. It was suggested that we develop an agenda/contact sheet to give attendees.

March 15 Board Meeting:

Consider distribution of the following documents:
Map/brochure – 700 copies
Crafting large successes in small towns – 26 copies
Hayesville Buried Treasure – 925 copies

Punkin Chunkin: October 22,23

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Sandy Nicolette

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

January 18, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

Officers: Rob Tiger, Margie Weathers, Sandy Nicolette, Eleanor Moyer

Directors: Dorothy Ethridge, Ron Guggisberg, Bob Brock, John Bayne, Joanna Atkisson, Bob Leonard

Member: Alison Ashe

After an introduction of board members, President Rob Tiger called the meeting to order. Tiger announced that the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Representative was unable to attend due to inclement weather. John Bayne made the motion to approve the revised agenda, Eleanor Moyer seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Board Meeting Minutes: Margie Weathers made a motion to approve the November 16 board meeting minutes. John Bayne seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Treasurer’s Report: Eleanor Moyer presented the Financial Report information as of 12/31/10 indicating a Savings Account Balance of $16,997 with $9,667 designated for Heritage Park and $7,330 for other projects (Courthouse Restoration). Jackrabbit Trail has funds totaling $25,815.98 and there is a balance of $23,144.12 in the General Account. A Certificate of Deposit totals $32,392.70. All CCCRA funds total $98,348.81. (See Exhibit A) John Bayne made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Ron Guggisberg and approved by the Board. Treasurer Moyer will meet with a small committee to develop a proposed budget for 2011.

President and Vice President:

Vice President Weathers reminded board members that committee reports, with the number of volunteer hours and mileage, should be sent to her prior to each meeting. Weathers will record volunteer hours for those meetings in which she is in attendance. The committee reports will be attached to the agenda and sent out prior to each meeting.

President Tiger discussed the April 16 event which will be held at the Cherokee Exhibit for WNCW and Warren Wilson College students. A proposal for a Conservation Fund Grant was submitted to pay for the construction of a “transition” cabin which will be located on the level below the exhibit.

Old Business

1. Hayesville Brochure & Map: HandMade is funding the brochure which will include a map by Landscape Architect Intern Martha Eberle. The brochures will be provided to businesses for distribution to visitors. Eberle was sent a bowl, made by Glen Love, in appreciation of her previous work. Tiger will talk to Judi Jetson about the possibility of providing another token of appreciation.

2. Cardinal Security System: Cardinal has agreed to install the system for $2400, provided we dig the trench. Rob will follow up with Donna Abranches regarding the funding for this project.

New Business

1. Commissioners’ Meetings: All board members are encouraged to attend the February 3 Commissioners’ meeting and other meetings when possible in order to have CCCRA representation. Members agreeing to attend subsequent meetings are:

March: Weathers, Leonard, Bayne

April: Bayne

May: Moyer

2. Spring Kickoff Meeting: March 31, 2011

A planning meeting will be held at Joanna Atkisson’s house on February 17 from 5:30-7:30. All board members are encouraged to attend. Please bring $5 for pizza and a beverage of your choice. We will need to decide the format of the meeting: Shall we invite representatives from other organizations to share their plans for the year and/or shall we focus on our own events and how members can assist with our activities?

3. Economic Development: Gail Criss will be asked to invite Steve Kaagan to our March 15 meeting. The topic of his discussion is to focus on what CCCRA can do to help with economic development in Clay County.

4. Broadband Internet Service: Mary Weigold will be invited to a meeting in the future.

5. Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Representative Visit: President Tiger will check on the purpose for the visit. Board members recommend we take this opportunity to provide a tour of sites within our county that would be interesting to tourists.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Nicolette, Secretary