Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Planning Session for Clay County Courthouse

May 22, 2010: Rob Tiger, John Bayne and Lou Lanwermeyer addressed the following information to the 33 community members who were in attendance.

  • Courthouse Opportunities
  • Smithson Mills Feasibility Study Report
  • Potential Courthouse Management Approach

Next Steps: A meeting will be held on Saturday, June 5 at the Peacock Playhouse of potential Courthouse Board and committee members starting at 10:00 am.


Clay County owns everything inside the rock wall and the Town of Hayesville owns outside. Both need to work together when a calendar of events is established.

The courthouse will be ADA compliant and will have an elevator installed for access to the second floor. The Courthouse Board will review the drawings and make recommendations. The building is on the Historical Building Registry.

Sandy Zimmerman offered several points of information based on experience in Representative Shuler’s office:

  • When applying for funding, keep in mind that the Courthouse is the hub of the county/town. The sooner the board is formed, the better.
  • Keep requesting funding, even if turned down the first time. There is a financial person in Shuler’s office who can be of assistance.
  • Consider visiting Stecoah Valley Center, as this is the best example in western North Carolina of the “reuse of an existing building.” It is a multi-use facility, offering space for a variety of activities including musical performances, dinners, classes, retail space. An individual at Stecoah Valley Center could offer advice/assistance to the Board.
Frank Bradley added that Stecoah offers mountain heritage music, crafts and arts classes for students at the Center.

Ron Guggisberg said that Bakersville and Marshall would be excellent locations to visit where communities are reusing existing buildings.

Rob Tiger added that money from Rural Center funds might be available for these and other “field trips.”

Lou Lanwermeyer reminded those in attendance that both board members and committee members would be needed over several years, if the interior of the courthouse is to be renovated.

S. Nicolette, CCCRA Secretary

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Board Minutes: March 16, 2010

Officers: Rob Tiger, Margie Weathers, Sandy Nicolette, Millie Bayne

Directors: Joanna Atkisson, John Bayne, Lou Lanwermeyer, Sandy Nichols, Ron Guggisberg, Dorothy Ethridge

Members: Jean Gora

Vice President Margie Weathers called the meeting to order with a request to approve the agenda. John Bayne made the motion to approve the revised agenda, Sandy Nichols seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Board Meeting Minutes: John Bayne made a motion to approve the January 12 Board minutes. Lou Lanwermeyer seconded the motion and the Board voted approval. Ron Guggisberg made a motion to approve the February 16 minutes. John Bayne seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Treasurer’s Report: Millie Bayne, presented the Financial Report Information as of 3/16/10 indicating a Savings Account Balance of $24,885 with $14,742 designated for Heritage Park, $2687 for Playground and $7,456 for other projects (Courthouse Restoration). Jack Rabbit Trail has funds totaling $26,945 and a balance of $17.409 is in the General Account. A Certificate of Deposit totals $32,023. All CCCRA funds total $101,540. (See Exhibit A) Sandy Nichols made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Sandy Nicolette and approved by the Board. Treasurer Bayne presented the revised 2010 Budget, to include the Field School. Treasurer Bayne reported that IRS form 990 has been submitted.

President, Vice President, Committee Chair Reports: (See Exhibit B)

President: President Tiger recommended Board members receive a copy of the Courthouse Re-Use Plan, with the stipulation that it not be shared with others until notified. The HandMade in America visits stressed networking with other organizations and members of the HandMade cluster partner communities. Sheree Ramirez, Chief Grants Officer with the North Carolina Community Development Initiative (AKA The Initiative) visited Hayesville on March 5 with HandMade representatives. David Quinn and Judi Jetson visited on March 12. Rob stressed it was important for Board members to attend the annual cluster meeting if at all possible. Asheville architect Terry Meeks will prepare several optional design plans for downtown pro bono.

Old Business

1. Survey Results: April 15 or April 14 were determined to be the best dates for the meeting which will start at 1:30. (The meeting will be at 1:30 Wednesday, April 14.)

2. Greening Clay County: President Tiger was informed by County Manager Paul Leek that a $5,000 check had been written to CCCRA to reimburse the organization. Recycling efforts have resulted in a profit, even though Clay County ranks 83rd in the state for recycling practices. There will be no commitment for these funds at this time.

3. Courthouse Renovation: After Lou Lanwermeyer’s review of the process to date, it was determined that the meeting to inform organizations about the plan and possible next steps will take place on Saturday, April 14 from 10:00- 11:30 at Moss Memorial library. After the Commissioner’s April 1st meeting, the letters will be prepared by Margie Weathers and divided among Board members for delivery with the accompanying booklets.

4. Second Annual Meeting: The courthouse meeting will supplant the second annual meeting this year, but we will aim to have a second annual meeting next year during the spring.

5. Gazebo Roof: Dorothy Ethridge will speak to Lions Club member, Mark Rudge to inform him that it would be appropriate for Clay County to re-shingle the gazebo roof as it is county property. The current roof is unsafe.

New Business

1. Hayesville Map: Millie Bayne shared the rough draft of the Hayesville Walking Map she developed. The Downtown Merchants Association has plastic holders that we may be able to purchase. It was suggested that Millie Bayne should meet with Steve Newton who has marketing experience. Dorothy Ethridge made the motion to support the printing of the brochures up to $100. Margie Weathers seconded the motion and the Board voted approval. The Board will review the brochure at the April 15 meeting, prior to printing and distribution of the brochures.

2. Financial Support for WNC Outdoor Regional Promotion: The NC Department of Commerce formed Western North Carolina (WNC) Outdoors, which includes Buncombe, Clay, Graham, and Watauga Counties. Over a period of several months, the website will be advertising a promotion with a winner receiving $14,000 worth of outdoor equipment and a camper. Each county will be featured in short videos for a one-week period. The winner will be announced on Good Morning America. Lanwermeyer made the motion to support the endeavor at $125 which will be taken from the Trail funds. John Bayne seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Joanna Atkisson distributed graphs daily/week/monthly usage totals for Jackrabbit Trail. The data are separated into hikers and bikers. Ron Guggisberg will investigate if hikers with poles are recorded as bikers. Discussion followed as to continuing to focus on ways to encourage bikers to come to Clay County rather than Hiawassee.

3. Cluster Meeting: Warren Wilson College May 26: Members were encouraged to attend and indicated if they would be able to participate.

Open Agenda:

1. Trash Barrels: Margie Weathers made the motion for the Events Committee to take the funds out of the Car B Que allocation to purchase six trash barrels. John Bayne seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

2. Arbor for Pocket Park Stage: President Tiger shared drawings for a timber frame arbor which will be donated by a local citizen.

Next meeting: May 18 Board Meeting at Moss Memorial Library, 5:00 PM

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Sandy Nicolette


Board Meetings: May 18 July 20 September 21 November 16