Wednesday, December 2, 2009

November 17 Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors and Committee Chair Meeting
Tuesday, November 17 2009

Officers: Rob Tiger, Margie Weathers, Sandy Nicolette, Millie Bayne
Directors: Ron Guggisberg, Joanna Atkisson, Louise Lorentzen, Dorothy Ethridge, Gail Criss, Sandy Nichols, John Bayne
Members: Jean Gora, Pam Nichols

President Rob Tiger called the meeting to order with a request to approve the agenda. John Bayne made the motion to approve the agenda, Margie Weathers seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Board Meeting Minutes: Millie Bayne made a motion to approve the September 15 Board minutes. John Bayne seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Treasurer’s Report: Millie Bayne, presented the Financial Report Information as of 11/16/09 indicating a Savings Account Balance of $28,870.26, with $16,806.07 designated for Heritage Park, $4,672.73 for Playground and $7,391.46 for other projects (Courthouse Restoration). Jack Rabbit Trail has funds totaling $2,7072.07 and a balance of $14,424.40 is in the General Account. A Certificate of Deposit totals $31,677.14 All CCCRA funds total $102,043.97. (See Exhibit A) Ron Guggisberg made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Margie Weathers and approved by the Board.

President, Vice President, Committee Chair Reports

Vice President: Vice President Weathers noted that Judi Jetson has been hired by HandMade to replace David Quinn.

President: President Tiger informed the Board that he has been invited to the Blue Ridge Heritage Board meeting to update them on the Heritage Village project and the Hiking/Biking Trail

We are being encouraged to apply for Golden Leaf funding again. Approximately $2 million will be available for Clay County. Meetings will be held next year. We will encourage CCCRA members to attend to show support.

Margie Weathers made a motion for John Bayne and Rob Tiger to meet to determine the best way to secure the Golden Leaf grant. John Bayne seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

New Business

1. Board meeting dates for 2010. Margie Weathers will send a calendar to Board members.

2. Jane Eastman’s Field School Project. Millie Bayne made the motion to support Jane Eastman’s assistance with the Spikebuck Field School Project, either by obtaining outside funding or taking the money out of CCCRA funds. Margie Weathers seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

3. Discussion of November 8 Planning Session. John Bayne reviewed survey results:

Those areas we are encouraged to continue:
· Court House
· Beautification
· Heritage Park
· Music in the Park
· Car B Que
· Family Fun Fest

Those areas needing our attention:

Internal: CCCRA newsletter every other month via email; send out after Board meetings Margie, Lou, Jean Gora, and several more people will work on this. Joanna Atkisson will send an example of her newsletter to Margie Weathers.

External: Website needs to be updated more frequently. Board members/committee chairs may send information to Jean Gora throughout the year. Should be linked to Chamber and H&A’s websites and dates put on community calendar. Remember to include CCCRA in all newspaper articles. (Sandy Nicolette will check on CCCRA’s Chamber membership status.)

CCCRA Ambassador: Sandy Nichols and Margie Weathers will determine what and how CCCRA’s story will be shared with community organizations. Include accomplishments, current project status and appeal for new members.

Membership: Need campaign to increase number of members, have more volunteers for projects, and increase business members. Each Board member is to solicit 2-3 new members before next Board meeting. Brochures will be at Rob’s. (note website: Business membership will be $20. Margie or Dorothy will take pictures of businesses for newspaper. Need to get CCCRA sign from storage room. Louise Lorentzen will make up template for information to accompany picture.

Heritage Park: John Bayne reported that the winter house is complete and summer house needs river cane woven sides. November 21 is next work day with Jane Eastman and students expected to assist. Bayne will continue to work with steering committee to determine next steps for the 1880-early 1900’s portion of Park. Which buildings will be added is to be determined. Future plans include a link to Spike Buck mound.

Courthouse Interior Restoration: See President’s comments.

Next meeting: January 19 Board Meeting at Moss Memorial Library, 5:00 PM

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Sandy Nicolette

Thursday, March 12, 2009

January 2009 CCCRA Minutes

Board of Directors and Committee Chair Meeting
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Officers: Rob Tiger, Margie Weathers, Sandy Nicolette, Wayne Smith
Directors: Joanna Atkisson, Dorothy Ethridge, Lou Lanwermeyer, Gail Criss, Louise Lorentzen, Katherine Mercer
Members: John Bayne, Richard Mercer

President Rob Tiger called the meeting to order with a request to approve the agenda. John Bayne made the motion to approve the agenda, Lou Lanwermeyer seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Board Meeting Minutes: John Bayne made a motion to approve the November 20, 2008 board minutes. Margie Weathers seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Wayne Smith reported a Savings Account Balance of $30,521.86, with $18,753.90 designated for Heritage Park, $4,672.73 for Playground and $7,095.23 for other projects. Jack Rabbit Trail has funds totaling $12,992.54 and a balance of $14,504.27 is in the General Account. A $30,000 Certificate of Deposit was purchased at 2.86%. All CCCRA funds total $88,107.25. (See Exhibit A) The motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Lou Lanwermeyer, seconded by Gail Criss and approved. The motion to approve the 2009 budget was made by Margie Weathers, seconded by John Bayne and approved.

Vice President: Margie Weathers noted that the Grants and Contributions report should be updated to reflect in kind donations of $4200 for the Tom Day Mall office space and $4800 for intern housing at the Hinton Center.

President, Vice President, Committee Chair Reports: (See Exhibit B)

New Business

A. Courthouse Restoration Management Plan: Rob Tiger reported that Board members are invited to attend a meeting at his store on Thursday, January 22 at 1:00 pm. At issue is which agency will manage the interior restoration and/or serve as fiscal agent. The fiscal agent must have 501 (C) 3 designation. After receiving information relative to these issues, Board members will be asked to vote on the action to be taken by CCCRA via the internet.

B. Nelson Heritage Park: John Bayne will speak to Hal Farren about Hal’s willingness to become the Point of Contact individual person for future projects. Margie Weathers has volunteered to assist Hal with grant writing if he will accept this responsibility.

C. Planning Session Priorities: Margie Weathers summarized the following from Board member input:

Projects CCCRA Goals
Jackrabbit Trail Economic Prosperity
Nelson Heritage Park Cultural Preservation
Courthouse Environmental Protection

D. Recycling Project: Margie Weathers made the motion to ask Steve Kaagan to provide information at the March Board meeting regarding the feasibility of selling recyclable materials, including a plan that will include a time line for implementation and budget. The motion was seconded by Lou Lanwermeyer and approved.

E. Long-Range Planning: In response to input by Lou Lanwermeyer, it was determined that an ad hoc committee could be established for the discussion related to CCCRA long-range planning at the September 15 Board meeting.

F. Membership Committee: Margie Weathers made the motion to authorize the Membership Committee to establish a $50 business membership, develop promotional items for business members and determine the cost for printing more CCCRA membership brochures. Sandy Nicolette seconded the motion which was approved. Lou Lanwermeyer will provide input to the committee. Margie will inform committee members that CCCRA By Laws authorize the committee to spend up to $100 without Board approval.
Lou Lanwermeyer made the motion to purchase two solid hardwood plaques to be awarded to Tighe White and Ella Scheuer for their volunteer work at the Nelson Heritage Park. The motion was seconded by Margie Weathers and approved.


A. Wayne Smith informed members that they must complete a form which is to be attached to receipts and then given to Wayne for reimbursement. Wayne will give forms to committee chairs.
B. Dorothy Ethridge announced that there will be a trash pickup at the park near the High Bridge this Friday at 10:00 am. She will email this information to committee members.

Next Meeting: March 17, 2009 at Moss Memorial Library, 5:00 pm.

Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:02 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Nicolette